• न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते।

  • ज्ञान के समान पवित्र इस संसार में कुछ नहीं है।।

  • There is nothing more pure in this world than knowledge(Gyana)




Dr. Madhuri Sharma Teacher-in-Charge


– NCWEB Bharati College
– Assistant Professor, Department of History
– Bharati College C-4, Janak Puri, New Delhi – 110058

Dr. Abhishek Puneet

Deputy Coordinator

– NCWEB Bharati College
– Assistant Professor, Department of Hindi
– Bharati College C-4, Janak Puri, New Delhi – 110058

About the journey of NCWEB

Delhi University was established in 1922 and by an amendment of Delhi University Act in 1943, women students were enabled to take some of the examination of the University with special coaching but without attending regular classes. This gave shape to the Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board (NCWEB), which is now well established. At present, the enrolment in NCWEB is more than 30,000. Only women students residing in the National capital Territory of Delhi can enroll themselves as students of the Board. NCWEB is a unique system with lectures on weekends leaving students with five working days to follow their dream.

The BHARATI COLLEGE started its NCWEB Centre in 2003 under the flagship of Dr. Kanta Rani Bhatia by admitting students in two courses B.A. and B.Com. She managed the centre continuously for 12 years and shaped it to a great extent. The classes at our centre are being held on SUNDAYS and during ACADEMIC-BREAKS. In weekdays, students have ample time and scope to pursue their dreams and work accordingly. This is a satisfactory and promising way to attain a degree from University of Delhi. Here, students get the benefit of direct teaching as well as extra-curricular activities organized by the centres. That is how they are given exposure of academic life as well as nonacademic activities which play crucial role in shaping their life. At our centre, TIC, Deputy Coordinator and the non-teaching staff are always available to help NCWEB students in every possible way. And, we strive to take our centre to new heights in terms of academic excellence and growth of our students. Sometimes, financial aid is provided to the needy ones and also, book loan facility is provided for the academic year to the needy and deserving students. Some of our NCWEB students have been part of regular NCC course and they have had excellent achievements.

NCWEB Bharati College Office

The NCWEB Bharati College Office is in Room No. 12 of the College Building. The students may contact to staff for information related to NCWEB on Sunday during working hours in Room No. 12 or Administration Room of the College. 

Annual Magazine