• न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते।

  • ज्ञान के समान पवित्र इस संसार में कुछ नहीं है।।

  • There is nothing more pure in this world than knowledge(Gyana)


Department of Sociology

Department of Sociology

The function of Sociology, like of every other science is to reveal what is hidden.

- Pierre Bourdieu
History & Objective

The Department of Sociology at Bharati College was started in 2017. Since the very onset, the department has been actively engaging with the discipline of sociology through academics as well as curricular activities. The objectives of the department are:

  • Building a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, its scope and concerns of Sociology

  • Distinguishing between common sensical knowledge and sociological knowledge

  • Finding sociological meanings within mundane or everyday life

  • Understanding the relationship of sociology with other disciplines, such as, anthropology, history, political science and natural sciences.

  • Comprehending sociological concepts and theories by being able to draw from everyday realities and life experiences.

  • Building a better understanding of the compositions of the society, and critically analyzing how society functions and sustains itself.

Courses offered
  • Core Courses - Introduction to Sociology I, Sociology of India I, Introduction to Sociology II, Sociology of India II, Political Sociology, Sociology of Religion, Sociology of Gender, Economic Sociology, Sociology of Kinship, Social Stratification, Sociological Thinkers I, Sociological Research Methods I, Sociological Thinkers II, Sociological Research Methods II

  • Discipline Specific Electives (DSE) - Urban Sociology, Agrarian Sociology, Environmental Sociology, Sociology of Work, Sociology of Health and Medicine, Indian Sociological Traditions, Visual Culture, Reading Ethnographies

  • Skill Enhancement Courses - Reading, Writing and Reasoning for Sociology, Techniques of Ethnographic Film Making

Scope for students
  • The scope of sociology is widespread and it is difficult to explain its beginning and end as it has ability to cover wide range of concepts present in everyday life. Sociology with time has developed its connection well with other fields such as historical, biological, economy, psychology, political science, literature and so on. Methods and approaches covered in sociology is helpful in its applicability at theoretical, empirical and analytical level. The discipline offers the scientific approach to deal with common sensical phenomena occurring in a society while understanding it theoretically, historically analysing its context and focusing on the dimension of time and space, empirically validating it through field research and interpreting and analysing through sociological concepts.

  • The scope of sociology is effective in understanding the roles, expectations and social relationships of individuals and their encounter with worldly affairs.

Vision & Mission of the Department
  • Sociology is the science of society where we engage with the concepts of caste, class, gender, ethnicity, religion, education, marriage, etc. that are present in everyday life. The study of sociology trains an individual to understand her/his relationship and interdependence with the society. It is the study of social, political and economic system where one understands the concepts of self and her/his identity, and its relation one’s culture, its institutions, formal organisations and social networks, process of socialisation and interaction among groups and social roles of individuals.

  • The discipline of Sociology has its preferred methodology for research. The use of these methods allows a rational and scientific approach while critically analyzing problems of the contemporary world, both empirically and theoretically.

  • The discipline of Sociology along with its methodical approach helps us to gain a microscopic as well as a macroscopic range of cultures and sub-cultures persisting throughout the world. The discipline and its structure also allows for an extensive understanding of social changes and their ongoing dynamics through by using speculative and practical approaches.

Department Society: Hestia

Hestia was a Greek Goddess that represented varied domains of home, domesticity, architecture, economy and the state. Selected out of voting, Hestia represents the department of sociology as:

  • It represents some of the fields that sociology engages with; fields that constitute the study of ‘society’.

  • It stands for a place where thoughts and ideas originate.

  • While breaking the gendered notions that designate women to certain specific fields, it inspires one to introspect and deconstruct the existing categories of thought”.

Hestia is the sociology department society created and managed by students of the department. It is led by a student union consisting of the president, vice president, general secretary and treasurer. Hestia organizes various activities throughout the semester including a one-day fest in the fall semester and the annual department fest “Episteme” in the spring semester.

Market Acceptability or Future of Courses Offered
  • The courses offered will be helpful in offering avenues for engaging with think tanks, policy and research organisations.

  • Students can apply to NGOs who are working on various socio-political and economic issues. The courses offered on methodology and methods of social research will provide them skills in carrying out field based research in many organisational set ups.

  • Students can actively play a role in media and technology inducive steps carrying out in private and public sectors where the knowledge gathered in elective courses and optional courses is applicable effectively.

  • For higher studies like post-graduation and PhD they can apply across various discipline of social sciences including sociology and even for social anthropology departments of many great universities across the globe.

  • The opening up of ‘Humanities and Social Sciences’ departments in many professional institutes like Management and Engineering have increased the importance of subject of sociology in coming times.

  • After completion of their under graduation and post-graduation can work as Teaching assistants and lecturers in private and public universities.

  • There is a growing need of sociological research in medical institutions where Sociology of Care and Well-being and Sociology of Health and Medicine has emerged as a new field focusing on bioethics and studying relationship of biological matter with society and its individuals. This gives a new perspective to understand the phenomenon of disease, humans and bio-matter with sociological lens.

Job Avenues

Sociology is a vast subject and connects one with the related disciplines/fields of political science, development studies, social work, gender issues, journalism, human resource management etc. More specifically, some of the job avenues for sociology graduates are:

  • Teaching in schools and higher education institutions.

  • Management Consultants: In MNCs or corporate world after doing post-graduation one can apply as a consultant on possible remedies and present solutions by making use of quantitative and qualitative skills.

  • Research Associates in projects by NGOs, think tanks and other nodal agencies of India and Abroad.

  • Human Resource Management, Consultancy Services and Communication and Advertising sector.

  • Media research and Journalism.

  • Medical Aid Institutions.

  • NGOs and iNGOs

    Teacher- In- Charge- Dr. Indu Bhagel

    Annual Report 2022-2023

    Annual Magazine