Degree | Institution | Year |
Doctorate of Philosophy | Jawaharlal Nehru University | 2016-2022 |
Master of Philosophy | Jawaharlal Nehru University | 2014-2016 |
Master of Arts in Sociology | Jawaharlal Nehru University | 2012-2014 |
Bachelors of Physiotherapy | GGSIPU | 2007-2012 |
Four years of teaching experience
Teaching Assistant for MA Social Stratification Course, CSSS/SSS, JNU, Delhi
Consultant and Report Writer, Save the Children, NGO, Delhi
Guest Lecturer at St. Stephens College, the University of Delhi
Nodal Officer for Social Media Cell, Bharati College, University of Delhi
Convenor of Hestia: The Department of Sociology, Bharati College, University of Delhi
Established the Sociology Reading Club
Co-Convenor of Phulkari Kudiyan Di
Member of IQAC, Bharati College
Member of ICC (Internal Complaints Committee)
Member of Women's Development Cell
Member of the Research Committee
Member of Library Committee
Member of Alumni Committee
Member of Ambedkar Study Cell, Bharati College
Worked as a member of the Anti-Ragging Committee
Worked as Co-Convenor of the Chilman: Theatre Society of Bharati College, University of Delhi.
Editor for the educational content for Sociology for the BOSSE (Board of Open Schooling and Skill Education), Sikkim
Syllabus-making committee of NEP UGCF 2022-23 courses for Sociology, University of Delhi
Worked as Subject Matter Expert and Vettor for the NTA-UG CUET entrance 2023
Recorded UGC SWAYAM CEC MOOC: 13 Lectures for the course on Political Sociology at EMRC, Punjabi University, Patiala.
Subject Matter Expert of Sociology at NECTAR (NAGALAND Education Project: Nagaland Enhancing Classroom Teaching and Resources). A collaborative project of the World Bank, Adhyayan Foundation, and the Department of School Education, Nagaland for three years.
Dalit Studies, Mobility, Identity and Memory Studies, Research Methodology, Social and Cultural Anthropological Debates, Caste Studies, Social Movements, Holocaust Studies, Ethnography
Sociology of Religion, Sociology of Kinship, Research Methodology I and II, Sociology of India I and II, Political Sociology, Urban Sociology, Techniques of Ethnographic Filmmaking, Research Methods II
· Discourses of Identification and Cultural Distinction: An Overview of Adi-Movements in Colonial India, in IJHSSI, UGC double-peer approved Journal with ISSN No: 2319-7714, 12th April 2019 at http://www.ijhssi.Bhorg/v8i3(series4).html. (Online publication). Impact Factor: 5.35.
· Prostitution and Trafficking Women in the International Journal of Social Development, CSS (Centre for Social Studies) ISSN: 2348-4993, December 2016. (Centre for Social Studies, India (Offline publication).
· Pandemic and Society: Revisiting Albert Camus and Susan Sontag. The Research Post, Vol 3, No 1, Summer 2020. Pp. 62 – 69.
· Consequences of Socioeconomic Mobility among Scheduled Castes in Journal of Fundamental Comparative Research, Shodh Sanhita, ISSN: 2277-7067, Vol VIII, Issue No. I, 2021-22. UGC Care group I and bi-annual peer-reviewed journal (Offline Publication).
· Contours of ‘naming and renaming’: Mapping the Identity Discourse among Scheduled Castes, Contemporary Voice of Dalit: Sage Publications, 21st February 2022.
· From the Perspective of ‘Lived Experiences’: Claims of Dalit Women Identity in edited book titled ‘Women and Resistance: Breaking the Shackles’, ISBN: 978-81-952635-5-4, People’s Literature publication.
1. Presented a paper in an International seminar held in BHU (Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, U.P.) titled ‘Human Trafficking in South Asia’ and awarded a certificate in International Seminar on ‘Dimensions of Human Trafficking in South Asia: Problems and Solutions’ at Banaras Hindu University by Centre for the Study of Nepal, Faculty of Social Sciences on 24-26th February 2016.
2. Presented a paper entitled “Mobility, Differentiation, and Identity Formation: A study of demand for sub-categorization of Scheduled Castes” at the Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, 18th – 20th August 2016, Oxford, United Kingdom (Queens College)
3. Presented a paper titled ‘Reservation, Mobility and Identity Formation: A Study of Differentiation and Sub-Categorization among Scheduled Castes’ in Young Scholars Conference held in JNU last year in October 2015 in CSDE (Centre for Study of Discrimination and Exclusion), JNU, Delhi.
4. Presented a paper titled “Socioeconomic Mobility and Identity: A Study of sub-categorization among Scheduled Castes in India” at M.Phil. Work in Progress seminar at CSSS/SSS, JNU, Delhi.
5. Presented a paper entitled “Stigmatized Versus Assertive Identity of Dalits in India” at SASNET 2016 Conference, Lund University, Sweden under Panel 5: Transformation of Caste | SASNET – Swedish South Asian Studies Network from 19-23 September 2016.
6. Presented a paper titled “Discourses of Self-Identification and Cultural Distinction: An Overview of Adi-Movements in Colonial India”, organized by DAKAM Identity Studies 2017 Conference, Istanbul, Turkey from 29-30 September 2017, Nippon Hotel Conference Halls, Taksim Square, Istanbul, Turkey.
7. Presented a paper titled “Discourses of Land rights among Jats and Dalits: A Case of Shamilat Land in Haryana’ in CJEI Conference, Held at Dr. Krishna Raj Central Library, GOA, India.
8. Presented a paper titled ‘Identity, Spatial Segregation, and Mobilisations of Dhanaks and Balmikis in Haryana’, at CSH (Centre for Science and Humanities), Institute Francis, France Embassy, in November 2019 at New Delhi. (found at
9. Presented a poster presentation on “Higher Education Empowering Women” in the NAAC seminar on Quality Enhancement in Higher Education at Government Home Science College, Chandigarh in February 2020.
10. Presented a paper titled “Quest for Identity and Politics of representation: A case study of Dhanaks and Balmikis in Haryana” at Ph.D. Scholars’ Work-in-Progress online seminar 7th-9th October 2020, CSSS/SSS, JNU Delhi.
11. Presented a paper titled “Undoing the past in the ‘Identity framework: Narratives of Social history of Dhanaks in Haryana” at SASNET conference: Rethinking the Politics of Memory in South Asia, 9-10 December 2020 at Lund University, Sweden.
· Participated in the 19th AJEI Workshop on “Commons in South Asia” from April 3rd-5th 2017, Krishna Das Sharma Goa Central Library, Panaji, Goa.
· Participated in a one-week workshop held by TLC (Teaching Learning Centre), CUPB (Central University of Punjab), Bathinda on ‘Indian Economy and Society in 21st Century’ from 25-29 March 2019.
· Participated in a workshop organized by Sambhaavna Institute of Public policy and Politics on “Digital Colonization 2.0” from May 17-19, 2019.
· Completed a short-term course on ‘Reading Anthropological Theories’ organized for a week-long exercise by International School of Anthropology, Royal Institute of Anthropology, Mysore, India in 2020.
· Completed a short-term course on Qualitative Analysis software ‘N-VIVO’ by Comma Cad Academy on 24th and 25th April 2021.
· Completed a short-term project-based course on “Holocaust Memory and Innovation” from Western Galilee University, Israel, from March-June 2021.
Key Note Lectures
· Lecture delivered as ‘Key Note Speaker’ at the Department of Economics, Amity University, Noida, on the topic “Women Empowerment and Environment Preservation” on 17th September 2020.
· Guest speaker for the Instagram live session on “Should Academic Sociology include the various inter-disciplinary perspectives of discourse?” on 12th May 2021.
· Guest speaker for the Instagram live session on “Sociology of Everyday Life” with Nigeria-based Sociology XR group in June 2021.
· Lecture delivered as ‘Key Note Speaker’ on “Theorising Identity and Commemorating Past: Manifestation of lived Experiences of Dhanaks” at Boston Study Group, Boston, USA on June 26th, 2021.
· Online lectures delivered during pandemics on ‘Philosophy of Hope’ and ‘Identity debate in contemporary times’ for the YouTube channel named ‘Discourse’.
· Online lectures prepared on the subject of Sociology on a YouTube channel named ‘Bhawna Shivan’.
Delivered a keynote lecture titled 'Women participation in democracy' on 8th March 2022 at Government Degree College, Jakholi, Uttrakhand.
(1) 'Caste of Mind' project focusing on persisting inequalities across the globe, joined project of SOAS, UK and JNU, Delhi.
(2) 'Holocaust Memory and Innovation project of Western Galilie University, Israel
Academic excellence award for being University Topper in Graduation
JRF in 2014
NET in 2014
SRF in 2017
North West Sociological Association
Feminism in India
Himachal Pradesh Sociological Association
British Sociological Association
Travel Blogger, YouTuber, Academic Blogger, Instagram pages (academic)
Invented her own innovative pedagogic practices such as Sociology with Zenga, Chart paper activity, Mentimeter activity, and Genially PPTs used for enhanced engagement of students.
Organized Urban Heritage Walks for the department students