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About Us

Staff Profile

Staff Profile

Department of Computer Science
Ph. D, M.Sc

Dr. Sarita Kadian

Assistant Professor

Educational Qualifications

Degree Institution Year
Ph.D Singhania University 2012
M.Phil (Computer Science) CDLU, Sirsa 2007
M.Sc. (Computer Science) MDU, Rohtak 2003
B.Com(Pass) University of Delhi 2000

Career Profile

17 years

Administrative Assignments

Areas of Interest / Specialization

1) Software Language (Python, C)

2) Information Security

3) Artificial Intelligence

Subjects Taught

Computer Science

Research Guidance

Publications Profile

1) Association between Biometric and Forensic Science,IJCSC, Vol,09 No02 , March- sept 2018, ISSN -0973-7391

2) Tele- Health and Artificial Doctor: Two Technological Hands for Remote Village in India, IJITKM, Vol. 10, Issue 2, Jan-June 2017, ISSN: 0973-4414

3) Observing Hybrid Authentication System in Cloud Computing, IJCSC,Vol 8,Issue 2, March- September 2017,pp 18-22, ISSN: 0973-7391

4) Graphical Based Registration and Authentication System, International journal of Computer Science and Technology Vol.07, Issue 01 Jan- March 2016, ISSN:0976-8491

5) Impact of Data Warehousing on Social Networking, IJICC , Vol. 05, No. 01, December 2015  , ISSN -2250-2661

6) A Review Study of various Face Recognition Methods, IJICC, Vol. 03,No. 01 December 2013, ISSN : 2250-2661

7) A Research Survey on Authentication, IJICC, Vol.03, No.01, December 2013, ISSN 2250-2661

8) A New Mobile Phone Authentication Scheme based on Graphics, IJICC,Vol 01, No. 02 March 2012, ISSN 2250-2661

9) New Scheme based on Image password Authentication, IJICC Vol.01, No. 01 November 2011, ISSN : 2250-2661

10) A Research Survey on image based authentication system and proposed new schemes, IJICC Vol. 1, November 2011, ISSN: 2250-2661

Publications in the Last one year

1) Association between Biometric and Forensic Science,IJCSC, Vol,09 No02 , March-sept 2018, ISSN -0973-7391

2) Tele- Health and Artificial Doctor: Two TechnologicalHands for Remote Village in India, IJITKM, Vol. 10, Issue 2, Jan-June 2017, ISSN: 0973-4414

3) Observing Hybrid Authentication System in CloudComputing, IJCSC,Vol 8,Issue 2, March- September 2017,pp 18-22, ISSN: 0973-7391

4) Graphical Based Registration and Authentication System, International journal of Computer Science andTechnology Vol.07, Issue 01 Jan- March 2016, ISSN:0976-8491

5) Impact of Data Warehousing on Social Networking, IJICC , Vol. 05, No. 01,December 2015  , ISSN -2250-2661

6) A Review Study of various Face Recognition Methods, IJICC, Vol. 03,No. 01 December 2013, ISSN : 2250-2661

7) A Research Survey on Authentication, IJICC, Vol.03, No.01, December 2013, ISSN 2250-2661

8) A New Mobile Phone Authentication Scheme based on Graphics, IJICC,Vol 01, No. 02 March2012, ISSN 2250-2661

9) New Scheme based on Image password Authentication, IJICC Vol.01, No. 01 November 2011, ISSN : 2250-2661

10) A Research Survey on image based authentication systemand proposed new schemes, IJICC Vol. 1, November 2011, ISSN: 2250-2661

Conference Organization / Presentations (in the last three years)

1) Webinar on Current Trends in Information Technology”,May 15, 2020 ,12pm - 2pm.

2) Webinar on” Leaders as Communicator”, held on 20th May, 2020 by Mr. Manish Raj Sharma (National award-winning trainer and Life coach).

3) Webinar on” MESMERIZING VIRTUAL TRIP TO LADAKH “, on 18 May 2020, at 04:00 PM by *Ms. Pooja owner Diva sojourn.

4) Webinar on” Online Safety for working women” *, Initiative by IAMAI & Facebook on 22nd May 2020 by *Mr. Rakshit Tandon.

5) Webinar on” Ethical Hacking “on February 11,2021, by Mr. Rakshit Tandon (Cyber Security Expert).

6)Webinar on” python” on February 18, 2021, in collaboration with careera.

7)Two Days National Workshop on “Cyber Disease: Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security”, 21st – 22nd December 2018, Bharati College, University of Delhi.

Research Projects (Major Grants/Research Collaboration)


Awards and Distinctions


Association With Professional Bodies


Other Activities

1) Webinar on Current Trends in InformationTechnology”,May 15, 2020 ,12pm - 2pm.

2) Webinar on” Leaders as Communicator”, heldon 20th May, 2020 by Mr. Manish Raj Sharma (National award-winningtrainer and Life coach).

3) Webinar on” MESMERIZING VIRTUAL TRIP TOLADAKH “, on 18 May 2020, at 04:00 PM by *Ms. Pooja owner Diva sojourn.

4) Webinar on” Online Safety for working women” *,Initiative by IAMAI & Facebook on 22nd May 2020 by *Mr. Rakshit Tandon.

5) Webinar on” Ethical Hacking “on February11,2021, by Mr. Rakshit Tandon (Cyber Security Expert).

6)Webinar on” python” on February 18, 2021, incollaboration with careera.

7) One Week International Seminar on Electronics and Computing Technology (ISECT -2021), program held on 27th March – 1st April 2021 (Online) and organized by the Department of Electronics, Sambalpur University Institute of Information Technology (SUIIT), Burla, Odisha, India.

8) International Webinar on "IPRs in the Precinct of competition Law : When a 'Refusal to Deal' should be exempted in high technology market?" organised by Department of Computer Science in association with CPE, IQAC and Institution's Innovation Council, St. Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 17th March 2021.

9)  International Webinar on "Building IP Portfolio in the Startup ecosystem" organised by Department of Computer Science in association with CPE, IQAC and Institution's Innovation Council, St. Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 18th March 2021.

10)  International Webinar on "Intellectual Property Rights: Powerhouse Innovation and Economic Growth" organised by Department of Computer Science in association with CPE, IQAC and Institution's Innovation Council, St. Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 16th March 2021.

11)  International Webinar on "IPR and Innovation" organised by Department of Computer Science in association with CPE, IQAC and Institution's Innovation Council, St. Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 19th March 2021.

12)  International Webinar on "Patent Analytics as a Research and Business Tool" organised by Department of Computer Science in association with CPE, IQAC and Institution's Innovation Council, St. Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 20th March 2021.

13) One Week FDP on "Moodle Learning Management System" Organised by Bharati College with collaboration of Spoken Tutorial Project IIT Bombay.

14) OneDay International Seminar on “The Social Impact of Innovative ComputerTechnologies 2019”, 29th March 2019, Bharati College, University of Delhi.

15)Sevendays Faculty Development Programme, “Hands on Practice of Advanced DataAnalysis Tools”, 15th – 21st December at Bharati College, University of Delhi.

16)ThreeDay Workshop on “Cyber Security”, 13th -15th April 2018 at Deen Dayal UpadhyayaCollege, University of Delhi.

17)Oneday Workshop on “Web Designing”, 28th August 2018 at Bharati College,University of Delhi.

18)TwoDays National Workshop on “Cyber Disease: Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security”, 21st– 22nd December 2018, Bharati College, University of Delhi.

19)TwoWeeks Faculty Development Programme,” Emerging Research Trends in ComputerScience & IT”, 14th -26th May, 2018 at BVICAM.

20) Seven Days National Workshop on “A Trend towardsMachine Learning: Techniques and applications”, 26th December 2017 – 1stJanuary 2018, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of Delhi.

21) Workshopon Foundation Course “INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY”, UGC-ASC, 28-30 May, 2013.

22) InternationalConference on Big Data Analytics 2012, Department of Computer Science,University of Delhi,  December 24-26 2012.

23) InternationalConference on History and Development Of Mathematical Sciences & Symposiumon Non – Linear Analysis, November 21-24, 2012, organised by Department ofMathematics, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak & Indian Society forHistory of Mathematics.