• न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते।

  • ज्ञान के समान पवित्र इस संसार में कुछ नहीं है।।

  • There is nothing more pure in this world than knowledge(Gyana)

About Us

Staff Profile

Staff Profile

Department of Political Science
Ph. D, MA, M.Phil

Dr. Deepti Srivastava

Senior Assistant Professor

Educational Qualifications

Degree Institution Year

Career Profile

1.Total Teaching Experience15 years
2.Ad-hoc Experience 6 years
3.Permanent Experience8 years

Administrative Assignments

Members in Different Committees such as IQAC Committee and Anti-ragging Committee 

Areas of Interest / Specialization

International Relations, Foreign Policy of India, Political Theory and Comparative Govt. and Politics 

Subjects Taught

India's Foreign Policy in A Globalising World3rd Year
Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics2nd year
Perspective on International Relations and the World History2nd Year
Colonialism and Nationalism in India3rd Year

Research Guidance

Publications Profile

Total Publication: 9 Articles Published in different Peer Reviewed Journals and UGC care listed

No of books-2. 

No of Chapters- 1  

Publications in the Last one year

1. “India’s G 20 and SCO Presidency: Resurgent India- Central Asia Relations”, Third

Concept, Vol.38, No, 445, March 2024 (UGC Care listed with ISSN 0970-7247) (Main


2.“Influence of Traditional Sources on Bharat’s World View: From Panchsheel to

Vashudhaiv Kutumbkam”, Madhya Bharati, July-December 2023, Vol. 85, UGC Care

listed with ISSN 0974-0066, (Co-Author).

3. "Kazakhstan at Crossroads:Democratic Imperatives, Leadership and Exigency of Transition" in The Journal of Central Asian Studies Volume: 26/27 2019/2020 ISSN: 0975-086X, peer reviewed, refereed and indexed in EBSCOhost and ProQuest, in 2021.

Conference Organization / Presentations (in the last three years)

1. National WebinarPresented paper on "Leadership and COVID-19: Gendered Response in India"June 2021Kalindi College, DU
2. One-Week International FDPOn "Law and Social Sciemces"14th-20th December 2020National Law Institute University, Bhopal 
3. One-Week FDP on " ICT based Learning and Developing MOOCs for Teaching Process in Higher education"29th December-4th January 2021Ramanujan College with Ministry of Human Resource Development Centre
4. Refresher Course 
 in Political Science, Law and Public Administration
11th-23rd January 202111th-23rd January 2021
5. One- week FDP 

Challenges of Online Teaching and Learning

24-30 September 2021
NLIU, Bhopal
6. Two-Week FDPInterdisciplinary Horizons: Advancing Research Methodology in Social Sciences, 
15-30 November, 2023 
Mahatma Hansraj Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MH-MMTTC), Hansraj College, University of Delhi  

Research Projects (Major Grants/Research Collaboration)

Awards and Distinctions

Association With Professional Bodies

Other Activities