Degree | Institution | Year |
BA (Hons) Political Science | University of Delhi | 2007 |
MA Political Science | University of Delhi | 2009 |
M.Phil | Jawaharlal Nehru University | 2012 |
PhD Pursuing | Jawaharlal Nehru University | 2021 |
7 years
v Teacher’s Representative (Under 10 years) Governing Body 2021-22
Member of Workload Committee from
v Convenor, Sports Committee 2019-21.
Appointed as Deputy Convenor NCWEB in
Teacher-In-Charge, Department of
Political Science, 1st May 2017 to 30th April 2018.
Appointed as Deputy Examiner to Conduct
Semester Exams by the College for the academic year 2017-18 in NCWEB and Regular
College Exam both.
Convenor of Sports Committee, 2017-2019
Anti-Discriminatory Officer in Equal
Opportunity Cell, 2016 onwards.
Laison Officer SC/ST, 2017-19.
Convenor SC/ST Cell, 2017-19.
Appointed as Student Union Advisor,
2016-17, 2017-18.
Member of Building Committee, 2016-17.
Member of Sports Committee February 2016
to September 2017.
Member SC/ST Cell, 2016-17.
Political Science
of Research Papers published
v Kumari, Looke. (2014), ‘Emergence of Muslim
Fundamentalism by critically evaluating Huntington’s Theses of Clash of
Civilization’, published in International
Research Journal of Management, Sociology & Humanities, 5(5), pp. 44-54.
ISSN 2277-9809
(0) 2348-9359 (P)
v Kumari, Looke,
(2014), ‘Realist Perspective on Contemporary Indian Foreign Policy’, published
in International Research Journal of
Management, Sociology & Humanities, 5(4), pp.373-383. ISSN 2277-9809
(0) 2348-9359 (P)
of Chapter / Monograph in Book / Periodical
v Kumari Looke,
(2018), The Spectrum of Civil Disobedience: How the words of Henry David
Thoreau shaped our Democratic Society, in Sunita Mangla and Nivedita Giri eds.
“Inclusive Governance and Human Rights:
Dealing with the Dynamics”, Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd, India. ISBN:
Kumari, Looke, (2018), ‘Cold War and its
Phases’, in Dr Sunita Mangla (eds.) Antar-rashtriye Raajniti evam Vishwa Sambandon, Kaveri Books
Publications, New Delhi: India, ISBN: 9788174792136.
MOOCs Lecture/Chapter
v Kumari
Looke, (2020), Chapter on ‘Marxist Approaches’ for B.A. (Hons.), Political
Science, Sem –III, CORE COURSE, Paper-VII : Perspectives on International
Relations and World History Study Material : Unit 1-3, School of Open Learning,
University of Delhi.
of Research Papers published
v Kumari, Looke. (2014), ‘Emergence of Muslim
Fundamentalism by critically evaluating Huntington’s Theses of Clash of
Civilization’, published in International
Research Journal of Management, Sociology & Humanities, 5(5), pp. 44-54.
ISSN 2277-9809
(0) 2348-9359 (P)
v Kumari, Looke,
(2014), ‘Realist Perspective on Contemporary Indian Foreign Policy’, published
in International Research Journal of
Management, Sociology & Humanities, 5(4), pp.373-383. ISSN 2277-9809
(0) 2348-9359 (P)
of Chapter / Monograph in Book / Periodical
v Kumari Looke,
(2018), The Spectrum of Civil Disobedience: How the words of Henry David
Thoreau shaped our Democratic Society, in Sunita Mangla and Nivedita Giri eds.
“Inclusive Governance and Human Rights:
Dealing with the Dynamics”, Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd, India. ISBN:
Kumari, Looke, (2018), ‘Cold War and its
Phases’, in Dr Sunita Mangla (eds.) Antar-rashtriye Raajniti evam Vishwa Sambandon, Kaveri Books
Publications, New Delhi: India, ISBN: 9788174792136.
MOOCs Lecture/Chapter
v Kumari
Looke, (2020), Chapter on ‘Marxist Approaches’ for B.A. (Hons.), Political
Science, Sem –III, CORE COURSE, Paper-VII : Perspectives on International
Relations and World History Study Material : Unit 1-3, School of Open Learning,
University of Delhi.
v 23-24 December,
2015, Presented a paper Titled ‘India’s Look East-Act East Policy: A Breeze To
The Asian Neighbourhood’ in the National Seminar on “The Changing Strategic
Contours of Asia: Challenges and Opportunities of Act East Policy”, Organized
by School of Social Studies in Political Science and Public Administration,
Jiwaji University, Gwalior in Collaboration with Society for Social
Empowerment, New Delhi.
v 20-21 January,
2016, Presented a paper Titled ‘Reappraisal of the Ideas of Aurobindo Ghosh in
21st Century’ in the National Seminar on “Rethinking Aurobindo and
Indian Culture: 21st Century Perspectives”, Organized by Society of
Social Empowerment, New Delhi, Sponsored by Indian Council of Historical
Research and National Thermal Power Corporation Limited, New Delhi.
v 28-29 March, 2016,
Presented a paper Titled ‘Ambedkar’s Contexualization of the Idea of Identity
and Self Respect in Indian Society’ in the National Seminar on “Dr. B. R.
Ambedkar in the Era of Globalization”, Organized by Society for Social
Empowerment, New Delhi in association with Shakshik Foundation, New Delhi,
Sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi.
v 29-30 July,
2016, Presented a paper Titled ‘Jammu wa Kashmir to Mudda Hai He Nahi’, in the
International Symposium on “Peace, People and Possibilities in Kashmir”,
Organized by Vishwagram in Association with Indian Council of Philosophical
Research, New Delhi.
v 17-18-19
January, 2018, Presented a paper Titled ‘Development Fallacy and Tribal
Resistance in Coorg’, in the National Seminar on “Tribes In Coorg: A Distinct
Narrative In Indian Tribal World View”, Organized by University of Agricultural
and Horticultural Sciences, Shivamogga, College of Forestry, Ponnampet, Kodagu,
Karnataka in Collaboration with Society for Social Empowerment, New Delhi, Sponsored
by Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi.
v 20-21 January,
2018, Presented a paper Titled ‘Simultaneous Election: Concept, Feasibility and
Execution’, in the National Seminar on “One Nation One Election”, Organized by
Rambhau Mhalgi Probodhini, Thane, Mumbai, Sponsored by Indian Council of Social
Science Research, New Delhi.
v 19-20 February
2018, Presented a paper Titled ‘Rashtrabhasha k Roop Mein Hindi evam Swadhinta
Aandolan’, in the National Seminar on
“Swadhinta Andolan mein Hindi Ki Bhoomika”, Organised by Department of Hindi,
Maharaja Agrasen College, University of Delhi in Collaboration with Indian
Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi.
v 04-05 August 2018, Presented a paper Titled ‘Dr. B.R
Ambedkar Thoughts and Vision on Inclusion’, in the National Conference on
Nationalist Discourse on Inclusion in India, Organized by the Centre for Gandhi
and Peace Studies, School of Social Sciences, Indira Gandhi National Open
University and Prajna Pravah held at Babasaheb Convention Centre, IGNOU Campus,
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi.
v 20-21 February
2018, Presented a paper Titled ‘Role of Sports in Women Empowerment and
Socio-Political Development of Women’, in the International Conference on
“Family Well-being: A Global Perspective”, Organised by Department of Human
Development and Family Empowerment, Bharati College, University of Delhi, New
Delhi in Collaboration with India Association of Health, Research and Welfare
v 24-25 February
2018, Presented a paper Titled ‘Climate Change: An Issue of Global Warming,
Environmental Security or Development’, in the International Conference on
“Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: Whole World is One Family”, Organised by Shaikshik
Foundation In Association with Aryabhatta College, University of Delhi, New
v 4-7 April 2018,
Presented a paper Titled ‘Power
Matrix in Bipolarity: A Comparative Study of United States’ and Soviet Union’s
Policy towards West Asia’, in the International Conference on “Power in Rules
and Rules of Power”, Organised by International Studies Association, held at Hilton
Parc, San Francisco, CA (USA).
v 23-24 February 2019, Presented a paper Titled ‘Role of
Sports in Women Empowerment in India’ in the International Conference on
Bhartiya Women: Past, Present and Future’, Organized by Shaikshik Foundation in
association with Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi held at NDMC
Convention Centre, New Delhi.
v 27-30 March 2019, Presented a paper Titled ‘The Rising
Networks of International Business and their Civilizational Character’ in the
60th Annual Convention: Re-visioning International Studies:
Innovation and Progress, Organised by International Studies Association, held
at Sheraton Center Toronto in Toronto, Canada.
v 27-30 March 2019, Presented a paper Titled ‘Global
Transformation in Theoretical Approaches of International Political Economy to
International Politics: An Argument for Persisting Significance of Realism’ in
the 60th Annual Convention: Re-visioning International Studies:
Innovation and Progress, Organized by International Studies Association, held
at Sheraton Center Toronto in Toronto, Canada.
v 4-7 April 2019, Presented a paper Titled ‘Changing
Role of Regional Aspirants in Politics of Democracy Promotion: A Case Study of
European Union’, in the 77th Annual Convention organized by Mid-West
Political Science Association, held at Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, IL USA.
v 4-7 April 2019, Presented a paper Titled ‘Power
Dynamics of Cold War and its Effect on United States’ and Soviet Union’s Policy
towards Middle East’, in the 77th Annual Convention organized by
Mid-West Political Science Association, held at Palmer House Hilton in Chicago,
v 22-23 February
2020, Presented a paper Titled ‘The Human Rights Implications of Climate
Change’, in the International Conference on “Human Rights: National and
International Issues and Challenges”, Organised by Shaikshik Foundation In
Association with Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, New Delhi and
Ambedkar International Centre, New Delhi.
v 25-26 February 2020, Presented a paper Titled ‘The Civilizational Character of International Business’ in the International Conference on “Political Science As a Discipline and Relevance of Social Sciences in the New World Order”, Organised by Karnataka Political Science Association KAPSA and Maharani’s Arts College for Women, held at Mysore, Karnataka.
v Participated in Two Week Capacity Building Programme on Research
Methodology for Faculty Members in Social Sciences organised by Giri Institute
of Development Studies, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh (India) from 30 May to 12 June
2016 in Lucknow sponsored by ICSSR.
v Participated in One Day Workshop on “Peace and Conflict Resolution”,
Sponsored by ICSSR Northern Regional Centre at Kamala Nehru College, University
of Delhi on 28th March 2017.
v Participated in One Day Faculty Development Programme on “Legislative
Practices and Procedures” at Kalindi College, University of Delhi, Organized by
Department of Political Science and IQAC, Kalindi College in Association with
Department of Political Science, University of Delhi on 6th April
v Participated in Two Week Capacity Building Program
for Social Sciences Faculty Members, Organized by the Department of Management,
Mizoram University, Aizawl, from 22nd May to 3rd June
2017, sponsored by ICSSR.
v Participated in 5 Days Orientation Course of
Entrepreneurship Faculty Educator Program, Organized by Ministry of Skill
Development and Entrepreneurship under Pradhan Mantri Yuva Yojana, from10th-14th
August 2017 held at NIESBUD, Noida, U.P, India.
v Participated in Two Day Workshop on “Sexual
Harassment of Women at Work Place, Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act,
2013”, Organized by Internal Complaint Committee of Jawaharlal Nehru University,
Delhi on 1-2 May 2018, Sponsored by University Grant Commission.
v Participated in 4 weeks Orientation Programme
(OR-94), organized by Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education
(CPDHE-UGC-HRDC), Human Resource Development Centre, University of Delhi,
Delhi, from 09 October 2018-06 November 2018.
v Participated in Career Course on “Teaching IR in a
Post-Truth Era”, in
the 60th Annual Convention: Re-visioning International Studies:
Innovation and Progress, Organized by International Studies Association, held
at Sheraton Center Toronto in Toronto, Canada from 27-30 March 2019.
v Participated in One Week Faculty Development
Program on “Advanced Pedagogical Techniques”, organized by Teaching Learning
Centre, Ramanujan College University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of
Human Resource Development, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on
Teachers and Teaching, held from 29 October- 5 November 2020.
v Participated in One Week Faculty Development Program
on “Higher Education: Road Ahead Development Next Generation Academic Leaders”,
organized by Department of Commerce & IQAC, Sri Venkateshwara College
University of Delhi in collaboration with Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National
Mission on Teachers and Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, held from
25 November-1 December 2020.
v Participated in One Week Faculty Development
Program on “ICT-based Learning and Developing MOOCs for Teaching Process in
Higher Education”, organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College
University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching, held
from 29 January- 4 February 2021.
v Participated in One Week Faculty Development
Program on “Hind Swaraj”, organized by Gandhi Bhawan, University of Delhi in
collaboration with Mahatma Hansraj Faculty Development Centre, Hansraj College,
University of Delhi under the aegis of, Mahatma Hansraj Faculty
Development Centre A Centre of MoE, Govt. of India Under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on
Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), held from 23 January- 30 January 2021.
v Participated in One Week Faculty Development
Program on “Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and the Idea of India”, organized by Teaching
Learning Centre, Ramanujan College University of Delhi under the aegis of
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National
Mission on Teachers and Teaching, held from 13-19 April 2021.
1. International Studies Association (ISA)
2. Mid-west Political Science Association (MPSA)
3. International Political Science Association (IPSA)
4. Karnataka Political Science Association (KAPSA)
5. Association of Political Theory (APT)
v 25-26 February
2020, Chaired the Technical Session-I on ‘Women and Politics’ in the International Conference on “Political Science As a Discipline and
Relevance of Social Sciences in the New World Order”, Organised by Karnataka
Political Science Association KAPSA and Maharani’s Arts College for Women, held
at Mysore, Karnataka.
v 25-26 February
2020, Chaired the Technical Session-III on ‘International Relations in the New
World Order’ in the International
Conference on “Political Science
As a Discipline and Relevance of Social Sciences in the New World Order”,
Organised by Karnataka Political Science Association KAPSA and Maharani’s Arts
College for Women, held at Mysore, Karnataka.
v 27-30 March 2019, Discussant on Flash Talk Session:
Political Economy and Societal Transformation in the 60th Annual
Convention: Re-visioning International Studies: Innovation and Progress,
Organized by International Studies Association, held at Sheraton Center Toronto
in Toronto, Canada.
v 04-05 August 2018, Moderated the Technical Session XI on
‘Ambedkar Vision on Nationalism’, in the National Conference on Nationalist
Discourse on Inclusion in India, Organized by the Centre for Gandhi and Peace
Studies, School of Social Sciences, Indira Gandhi National Open University and
Prajna Pravah held at Babasaheb Convention Centre, IGNOU Campus, Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi.
v 19-20 November 2018, Member of Organizing Team in
the National Seminar on “Political Action In Global Politics: Ethics,
Strategies and Methodological Concerns”, organized by Bharati College,
University of Delhi and Centre for Political Studies, JNU at India
International Centre, New Delhi.