न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते।
ज्ञान के समान पवित्र इस संसार में कुछ नहीं है।।
There is nothing more pure in this world than knowledge(Gyana)
Commenced with an aim to bridge the gap between the streets and schools by connecting unprivileged children to their basic right i.e education. The team of CDF Bharati has been dispensing education and development skills to the enthusiastic young minds from areas of all over Delhi by connecting with them virtually. We have been providing online classes to the students of classes 1st - 10th. We already have a handful of 200+ students whom we are teaching under project Sambhav and planning to grow our reach to many more children who are not elite with the proper resources to study. Furthermore, we have successfully organized 6 career counseling workshops in collaboration with UPAY NGO, wherein we guided the students of UPAY on stream selection, math tricks and on many more interesting topics. We believe that education is just not preparation for life; education is life itself. It is our absolute pleasure that we have got an opportunity to connect and make the change in the lives of these unimpeachable young minds.
Direct Beneficiaries - 200+ Students
Indirect Benificaries- 1000+ Students
Sessions Conducted - 20+ Hours of Sessions
One-on-One Classes provided - 100+Hours of Class
No. of Collaboration partners - 4 NGOs
Total collaboration -5
To impact lives of more than 10,000+ students by the end of the session 2021-22.